• Sunrise At: 5:57 AM
  • Sunset At: 6:12 PM



Brightens Neighborhood

On a corner of North Memphis, the Midtown Mosque provides prayer, community and a little bit of urban gardening.

Builds playground

Through the Mercy of Allah, Midtown Mosque was able to install a neighborhood playground. Children in the community no longer have to walk a mile to have a safe place to play. May Allah reward all those who made it possible.

David Water's Article

New Mosque aims to become part of the North Memphis neighborhood. “We’ve met so many good folks who live here. We are here to be good neighbors and do what we can to become a positive, productive part of the neighborhood. “Do good,” it says in the Quran, “to the neighbor who is of kin and to the neighbor who is a stranger.

Shaykh Hamzah Abdul-Malik open Muhammad Ali’s Memorial with Qur’an Recitation

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